Enhanced Mock Surveys
Leverage the best EOC and Clinical surveys in the business.

Here’s what you get with an
Enhanced MSL Accreditation Survey:
Experienced MSL consultants
Not just identifying problems…creating solutions.
Our team members are passionate, experienced, and have a deep desire to help you achieve your goals.
We believe that compliance should not be laced with anxiety, but filled with opportunities. Our approach provides the thoroughness that you demand with the education and inspiration to accelerate your success.
Learn more about our team
Spotlight Action Planner gives your team access to findings and the ability to assign tasks to the responsible parties.
A proven process
Decades of experience…optimized for your facility.
From communicating with our team to downloading your deliverables, we’ve invested in the tools and processes that provide the efficiency and responsiveness you have come to expect from a modern customer experience.
Here’s an example of what you can expect during a survey:
Team and staff introductions
Review survey steps and schedule
Discuss findings along the way
Survey conclusion with summary of findings
Preliminary report delivery upon conclusion of onsite survey
Learn more about our custom-built survey software MSL Spotlight.
See MSL Spotlight Action Planner in action!
A thorough document review
An efficient, organized review to ensure you’re ready.
Your MSL consultant will conduct a review of all relevant documents. We want you to be prepared for any document you may be asked to provide.
Here’s an example of some of the document areas your consultant will review:
Medical Records
Emergency Management
Environment of Care
Medical Staff
Performance Improvement
A timely findings report
Same day preview of findings and recommendations and your final reports within hours.
Your Mock Survey report is a .pdf that includes any findings that were cited during the survey as well as pictures and notes from our consultant. In addition to the .pdf report, your survey is available via our custom-developed survey app MSL Spotlight.
Learn more about our custom-built survey software MSL Spotlight.
An onsite building tour and system tracers
Not just identifying problems…creating solutions.
We’ll walk through your building and visit key departments with your team members to do a thorough survey based on the latest codes, standards, and best practices, using our custom-developed survey tool MSL Spotlight.
Learn more about our custom-built survey software MSL Spotlight.

More survey accreditation services
A thorough simulation and evaluation of your actual survey with a twist; our version includes education and coaching.
Starting a new service or opening a new building or department, we can easily adjust our process to perfectly meet your needs.
We provide a complete review of the key life safety features of your facility. With our proprietary software, Spotlight, managing your list of deficiencies is easier than ever before.
Management plans are the key to creating a positive survey experience and ensuring accurate descriptions of your processes. MSL has been developing custom management plans for over 15 years. Let us guide you through this process and shorten your pathway to success.
Healthcare environment teams know the reality of an emergency, and so do regulatory bodies. We have crafted specialized Emergency Management services that will assist you in implementing a comprehensive emergency management program that will make your environment safer when the inevitable happens.
With approximately 4 to 6 thousand patient deaths per year attributed to construction, risk identification and mitigation are about more than compliance. Our processes and education programs work. Let us help you protect your staff and patients while you create your future.
Creating a Central Sterile Processing (CSP) assessment for sterilization and high-level disinfection involves a comprehensive evaluation of the processes, equipment, and protocols used in a healthcare facility to ensure the sterility of medical instruments and devices. These assessments include a thorough review of the sterilization methods and an evaluation of staff training and competencies, ensuring that personnel are well-versed in the latest sterilization and disinfection techniques and protocols.
Understanding and identifying the risks are the keys to providing the safest possible environment. Our customized assessment tool, coupled with our experienced team, will provide a comprehensive, actionable list with reasonable recommended solutions.
Health Equity (NPSG.16) assessment and planning focus on identifying and addressing disparities in healthcare access and outcomes across different demographics. It involves analyzing data, engaging with diverse populations, and developing targeted strategies to improve equity in healthcare delivery, with continuous monitoring and adjustments for effectiveness.
Medical staff credentialing/privileging and FPPE/OPPE assessments involve verifying qualifications, granting specific clinical privileges, and regularly evaluating practitioners' performance to ensure competent, high-quality patient care, in line with regulatory and organizational standards.
The QAPI (Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement) assessment involves analyzing healthcare processes and outcomes to identify areas for improvement. Evaluating QAPI's effectiveness focuses on how well these initiatives enhance patient care quality and safety, ensuring continuous, systematic enhancements in healthcare delivery.